Award-winning monthly baby and parenting boxes created by an experienced Health Visitor.

Why is newborn - two years important for baby brain development?

6 years ago I was sitting in a lecture hall with my trainee health visitor buddies, and my mind was blown. Coming from an adult nursing background, I had never learnt about infant brain growth. I didn’t have any children then, but even the students in the room who were mums and dads were as shocked as I was about what we were taught.

So what did I learn? Well, for starters, that pregnancy and the first two years of life are a golden opportunity for every child. The quality of brain growth at this time lays the foundations for the rest of their life. It can impact their lifetime health, wellbeing, learning and even earnings potential.

Woah, I know. It’s a lot. And that’s why I became fascinated. The more I read, the more I realised how much is impacted by those first few years. Emotional regulation is a massive one- imagine your baby having the ability to control their stress levels throughout their life- it not only affects their temperament, but the relationships they form- who wouldn’t want that for their child. Well, due to most people not knowing how important this period is, it doesn’t get prioritised. Studies have also shown that adverse experiences at this time could link to mental health issues including anxiety and depression… so yep it is a really big deal.

So what’s that got to do with me? Well, I know I’m only one person, but if I can spread awareness on this massive topic through my monthly baby boxes, and have a tiny impact on how parents interact with their children, can you imagine the difference it can make in children’s lives as they grow? We can literally change their future for the better!

If you’re wondering how to make the most of this golden opportunity of brain growth, check out my post about ‘What can I do to support my baby’s brain development’, and know that the fact that you’re interested in your baby’s development is a great start!


Have a great week! x

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