Our Story!

Hey there!
The Mindful Parenting Company was dreamed up in 2016 by me, Katie, when our eldest daughter was a few months old. I had just finished my qualification in Health Visiting, and was fascinated by the impact of healthy brain development in a baby's first two years of life.
My husband admitted that he wasn't really sure how to play with our daughter as each month is so different in terms of development, and whilst working with newborn babies and their families in the NHS, I found that most parents felt the same. So I began to research child development month by month in greater depth, in order to produce information and activities that are month specific.
As I want to help as many new parents as possible, I had the idea of producing a monthly box with helpful evidence-based information and items that help all new parents to support their baby for the month ahead.
Working with new parents in the community really highlighted to me how support and encouragement can positively impact new parents' mental health, and how parents can often feel that all the attention is on the baby and that they are forgotten. So I wanted to make sure each box also touched on parents' wellbeing- through the information, as well as a relaxing item in the box for them.
And so The Mindful Parenting Company was born! An informative and uplifting monthly box for baby's first two years to help parents to bond with and support their baby on their journey of development.
We hope you love them!